Art Therapy in Coopersburg, Pa

Flint Hill Farm Educational Center

1922 Flint Hill Rd Coopersburg, PA 18036

Why on a farm? 

This has been a dream of mine for so long to weave together nature and art therapy. 

What called me to art on the start of my journey becoming an art therapist was how natural it is to create. It is a big part of being human. I also feel a big part of being human is growing food, engaging with animals, and being in the natural world. 

In my time of practicing professionally as a therapist, since 2018, I have wondered if a big part of mental health suffering today is from our society leaning more and more away from our natural states. 

creativity, faith, community, and nature are sparse in the demands of daily life. 

I feel reconnecting to these to connect deeper to ourselves can bring the peace and wholeness we are searching for. To embrace our humanness, is to break the pattern of rejection and step into acceptance. 

Doing acceptance work can help you learn to digest your feelings and experiences in a healthy way so you can be more present in your life. 

My philosophy is the more connected we are with our truth, life, and belief systems = the more whole we will feel. 

A big cause of mental illness is fragmentation, isolation, and rejection that create inner conflicts we suppress. This leads to more defense mechanisms we create to protect us from what we are rejecting and can make us feel shut down and disconnected. 

When we learn to build our resiliency to embrace truths we once rejected we can digest and be more naturally present again. 

Getting to engage in art therapy on a farm is intended to immerse you in the roots of being human and reconnect you and to natural ways of life. 

We can go through the therapeutic process in a natural setting acting as a mirror to the most natural state of ourselves. With the support of this mirror we can learn to love our natural selves, helping us to feel more whole. 

What to expect?

On the farm is an indoor educational space where we will have sessions. Going outside into the farm is not required, just a friendly option as part of your session experience.

We will start with an intake and identify your treatment goals unique to you, figure out what resources available seem most appropriate for your needs, and collaborate together on making steps to a more fulfilling supportive relationship with yourself.

If your curious and want to learn more or figure out the process of booking a session you can sign up for a free consultation call here.