
Changes Change

Welcome to 2021

‘Changes are rising up, I can hear the wind in the not so far distance. It howls while sending shivers down my spine, but sometimes it sparks a light in my heart as I feel myself bubble up with excitement. Changes come like the ocean waves. Nothing can stop the force of water when it has made up its mind. Depending on where you are the changes can plow you down, break you apart, shape you, pave a new path, create a river, flow through you, or even carry you. 

When these changes come I am sure I will experience fear, at some points gratitude, and other times grief. 

Changes can bring up a lot within us, surfacing all that has laid dormant can make us want to resist. 

Though the most heartbreaking way to experience changes, is to not experience them at all. To be rigid and stand in denial will hurt even more than taking that deep, deep, breath and catching the wave. 

As the wind howls and moves closer to where I am, 

I just pray I let myself be changed

By the changes rushing in.’ 

Changes Change

My short reflection today might not seem very New Years Day like, but for me this year it is my truth. My number one priority this New year is to honestly embrace my reality at every given moment, embrace the changes that are coming, to be fluid, to be changed. I have come to realize this is the best gift I can offer myself. Because nothing is promised, nothing is guaranteed, nothing can be controlled in this wild life. Though where I can be empowered is how I ride these waves, how I swim, float, or sink in this water. This is what is up to me. I am letting go of seeking. I am letting go of searching. I am letting go of picturing the most ideal goals for my life. Which is hard even now as I say it- for  I am a dreamer, a visionary at my core. There will always be a part of my heart that has this, but I am finding a new way this year to express it. For the precious present moment is too important to be missed with a seeking mindset, these present changes are wild and a life of their own ~ they need my full attention, here and now. 

I can’t control the outcome of these waves, but who knows what beautiful outcomes might come when I learn to be changed by nature’s course. 

Happy New Years everyone, welcome to 2021. Let the changes change. 

Sending you all so much love and strength to keep showing up curious every day. 

Practice & Play

Wishing you free,
