
Do you have intuition?

What do you think of when you hear the word intuition? What does it mean to you? 

Do you believe you have it, do you believe in it? 

In my understanding and perspective of the word, intuition, I believe you do have it. I also believe it will bring you deeper peace than any outside aid. 

When you google intuition this is the definition you get,

 “the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.” 

Read that over a few times, what stands out to you about this definition? It is immediate. That word is important because to me it describes that it is the most present moment. Your state of being would be in the NOW, the RIGHT NOW. 

The second part that stands out to me, is the ability to understand with no conscious reasoning. 

The reasoning here is rooted from somewhere deeper than your consciousness, your subconscious mind. There is also understanding. 

When we understand something there are two really important experiences that accompany understanding that help us feel like we do truly understand. One, we no longer have any questions about it. Two, we feel a sense of enoughness and satisfaction. In a sense we feel congruent with the information. Having acceptance and harmony with the information presented. 

When I look deeply at the real meaning of intuition in this framework, I find that it is truly about being present. Being accepting of your present moment and experiences and allowing yourself to see (be open to) the harmony within that moment. Our ability to experience this lies within our subconscious mind within instincts. It is a natural process that does not include executive function of the mind.

This natural process has started to become forgien to a lot of us because our days are filled with tasking jobs that require executive functioning, that we no longer make that much space for connecting to our instincts, subconscious, and present experiences. 

I think because of this we have forgotten to look within ourselves for answers. We have forgotten to look within ourselves for healing. 

We have forgotten that we don’t need to prove what we find within ourselves with any outside validation. We have forgotten to trust in our experience alone. We have forgotten to have harmony with the presenting information, letting it be enough, giving yourself a chance to understand your instincts. 

The great news is we can remember again to embrace our intuition. It takes practice, it takes exposure back into your present moment. It takes rebuilding a trusting relationship with your subconscious mind. It takes vulnerability. It takes allowing where you are at to be enough and simply listening to what’s inside of you. Simply  listen without questioning, just witnessing and existing in harmony with what you hear. 

This is what the SPRING retreat will be rooted in. This is what all the innate healing retreats will be rooted in. The focus of rebuilding our relationship with our subconscious mind through meditation and art making. Then reflecting with the group in discussion about the small moments we can step into our intuition and expand our experiences within the present moment, within the present season. 

If you’re interested in joining a gentle holding space to embrace your intuition, go to INNATE HEALING RETREATS to find out more information.

Practice & Play 

Wishing you free, 


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