
Becoming Yourself

Becoming yourself.

What does that mean to you? 

What are you right now that doesn’t feel like you? 

Sit with these questions, even journal about them. What comes up? 

With what came up what purpose do those characteristics serve for you right now? 

Give them a honest safe place to be seen. Sit with them, ask where they came from. 

They are begging for your gaze, not your rejection. They want you to ask them questions, understand them, to be felt. 

They need your witness. They need your acceptance before they may grow and align deeper to your deepest self. 

Picture that within the world of your being there is this beautiful glowing reservoir of light. Like a sun of your own personal solar system. It is swirling like a pool and is filled with the spark of life you are. Your purest essence, your center of love is there. It is more beautiful than we can imagine. It holds the power to heal, power to transform, power to create, power to feel and experience. Now these parts of you that don’t feel like you, these parts of you that you may have rejected in some ways. Are scattered far away from this center, abandoned, ignored, disowned. They can not reach your light like this. They can not reap the benefits of existing within your world and to be touched by your love. 

They’re just hurting. Give yourself the courage to know that you don’t need to be scared of these parts of you, you just need to have faith in the power of your beautiful spark of life within you. Have faith to let those parts of you come forward, to be seen by you deeply and offer them your loving understanding. 

Because in truth everything you are right now. Everything. Even the parts that came to our mind that don’t feel like us. They are you. But somewhere along the line we rejected them, and they haven’t had access to our loving center in a long time. That has changed them to these strangers we feel afraid of. These strangers we feel we must banish and get farther and farther from. It makes us run. Escape. A sun should not be moving away. A sun, in its truth, stands firm and allows the solar system to orbit it. 

This escaping is fighting our natural way of life. 

The art of becoming yourself is to realize that all of you, is yourself. The art of becoming yourself is having faith in your center of life, your sun. Allow the light to touch all within your world. Allow your love to reach all parts of you. 

So I ask you, what are you right now that isn’t yourself?  

Sit with it, hear it, ask it questions. 

Let your center touch upon it. 

Practice & Play 

Wishing you free, 


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